Faker: ‘I’m only at 50% performance’

Faker: 'I'm only at 50% performance' 8

Faker commented on his performance on the first day of competition after returning to LCK Summer 2023.

On August 2, T1 destroyed KDF with a score of 2-0 in the final week of the LCK Summer 2023 group stage. This was the first match that Faker returned after 4 consecutive weeks of rest.

With the presence of the captain, T1 shows a completely different face, good macro, methodical fight setup and proper snowballing, completely different from the tired T1 we have seen in the past 4 weeks.

How do you rate today’s match?

Tom: The team atmosphere wasn’t good because we were on a long losing streak, but I’m very grateful to the players for having a neat 2-0 win.

Faker: It’s been a while since I played, and I’m really happy that T1 had a clear victory.

How’s your wrist?

Faker: It’s not completely cured and I’m still undergoing treatment.

What is adaptation?

Faker: My symptoms are difficult to treat in a short time.

What did you do to try to recover from your injury?

Faker: My original hand position used to have a lot of impact on my nerves.

You’ve had a month off due to injury.

Faker: I thought about how I could help the team during my injury, but above all, I tried my best to return as soon as possible after receiving treatment.

(To Tom) As a coach, how do you see Faker’s impact on the team’s gameplay?

Tom: When Faker isn’t playing, the other players feel a lot more pressure.

Faker: 'I'm only at 50% performance'

(To Faker) From the outside, what’s wrong with T1’s performance?

Faker: There were too many moments where we lost just because of one mistake.

You return to T1 after the home team suffered many painful losses.

Faker: I don’t feel pressured about the team’s situation.

After game 1, fans shouted the name Faker.

Faker: I was very touched when the fans cheered for me during the match.

What is your current status?

Faker: I didn’t think my performance was that good.

Faker: 'I'm only at 50% performance'

Can your injury recover before the Playoffs?

Faker: I’m not sure, but I will practice hard to give the audience a worthy performance on stage.

(To Tom) Do you think T1 will be better with Faker’s return?

Tom: Team spirit is much better, so I believe the team’s performance will improve significantly.

(To Faker) You’ve been watching your teammates compete for a month.

Faker: When Poby played in my position, I saw that he was a potential player with many strengths that I could learn from.

What did you learn from Poby?

Faker: He is a player who works very hard and tries to help the team.

Faker: 'I'm only at 50% performance'

You faced the card Xerath in the match against KDF.

Faker: I thought Xerath might appear.

Why did you decide to return to competition today?

Faker: I think I need to return to play with the team a week before the playoffs to be in the best shape.

Do you have anything else to say?

Tom: Thank you for always cheering for us.

Faker: I had a month of rest, and I want to thank my teammates for working hard during that time.

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