Let’s take a look at the 5 best generals in all 5 positions to climb rank in the latest version of League of Legends 13.11 in June.
Main content Hide / ShowTop lane – FioraJungle – EvelynMid lane – NeekoBottom lane – KalistaSupport – Rakan
Win rate: 57.0%
Fiora has always been a heavy carry trusted by gamers with superior personal skills.
Fiora possesses the ability to poke annoyingly in lane, can’t lose to any champion in the top lane in 1v1 dueling, and has a very strong counter-turning W.
At the end of the game, Fiora’s power gradually increases according to the amount of equipment she owns.
Runes, masteries, equipment and ways to increase skills for Fiora
Win rate: 68.8%
Evelyn is an extremely annoying jungler with the ability to be invisible.
Although her dueling ability is not too good because she is an assassin, Evelyn possesses the ability to stack extremely good damage and increase her strength, snowballing extremely effectively when taking the lead.

Runes, masteries, equipment and ways to increase skills for Evelyn
Win rate: 55.3%
Neeko is the hottest pick in the mid lane at the moment.

Runes, masteries, equipment and ways to increase skills for Neeko
Win rate: 50.2%
Kalista possesses extremely strong snowballing and lane pressing abilities in the early and mid game.

Runes, masteries, equipment and ways to increase Kalista’s abilities
Win rate: 54.2%

Runes, masteries, equipment and ways to increase skills for Rakan
Rakan has been making waves in professional tournaments for a long time, and this guy’s strength has been guaranteed with countless highlight plays.