Mr. Trump’s expensive election campaign must `tighten its belt`

Mr. Trump's expensive election campaign must `tighten its belt` 0

(Dan Tri) – Once achieved a financial advantage when raising $1 billion for re-election efforts, but US President Donald Trump’s campaign is having to `tighten its belt` when the money is low.

US President Donald Trump (Photo: Reuters)

According to the New York Times, financial factors are said to be one of the biggest advantages of an incumbent president when running for re-election, as was the case with Barack Obama in 2012 and George W. Bush in 2004.

After being elected in 2016, Mr. Trump registered for re-election as president from the day he took office for his first term, earlier than any president in modern times.

This strategy initially seemed to work.

However, according to the New York Times, Mr. Trump’s financial advantage seems to have gradually diminished.

According to the New York Times, Mr. Trump’s campaign seems to have spent a lot, leading to hundreds of millions of dollars in overspending.

Since Mr. Bill Stepien became Mr. Trump’s new campaign director, sources say that a series of `austerity` measures have been applied to change the amount of money spent on hiring people and traveling.

Under Mr. Brad Parscale – Mr. Stepien’s predecessor, more than $350 million was spent on fundraising activities.

One of the most questionable expenditures is two Super Bowl commercials worth $11 million, higher than any expenditure on television in some battleground states where voters

There are opinions that previous heavy spending from Mr. Trump’s election campaign does not seem to have brought positive effects.

In August, Mr. Biden’s campaign even called for a record $365 million in funding, a number that made Mr. Biden admit he was `stunned`.

“If you spend $800 million and are still 10 points behind your opponent, I think you have to ask, what is the campaign plan?” said veteran Republican strategist Ed Rollins, a supporter of the campaign.

Tighten costs

Since taking office, Mr. Stepien has begun the process of tightening spending.

The number of staffers allowed to travel during events has been cut to avoid what one campaign official described as akin to “sponsoring” staffers to “take a break.”

Trips by Air Force One for campaigning were also cut back because Mr. Trump’s campaign had to pay for this.

Mr. Stepien also admitted that `the most important thing I do every day is pay attention to the budget.`

In addition, Mr. Biden is also using the `basement strategy` when he focuses on speeches broadcast online amid the complicated developments of the Covid-19 epidemic.

According to aides, Mr. Trump almost completely refuses this form because he does not like them.

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