Mr. Trump warned former `hawkish` adviser Bolton to pay a heavy price for his memoirs

Mr. Trump warned former `hawkish` adviser Bolton to pay a heavy price for his memoirs 0

(Dan Tri) – President Trump announced that former national security adviser John Bolton will have to `pay a heavy price` for his `illegal` memoir, after a judge rejected the government’s efforts to block its publication.

Mr. Bolton (right) attended a meeting at President Trump’s White House in September 2018 (Photo: Reuters)

“Bolton broke the law and was summoned and criticized for doing so, at a real cost.

The above comments came after a US federal judge on June 20 rejected the Trump administration’s request to ban the publication of the memoir of Mr. Bolton, who was once a national security advisor.

“While Mr. Bolton’s unilateral conduct raises serious national security concerns, the government has not demonstrated that an injunction is an appropriate measure,” Washington District Federal Judge Royce Lamberth said.

“Mr. Bolton gambled with America’s national security.

Previously, the US government sought a temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction against the publication of a book titled “The Room Where It Happened: A White House Memoir”, on the grounds that it contained

But Judge Lamberth said it was too late to stop the damage.

According to Reuters, although the book was not officially released until June 23, many press agencies have already obtained it.

Currently, Mr. Bolton is facing a civil lawsuit, which seeks to force him to return to the United States all profits from the book.

Mr. Trump warned former `hawkish` adviser Bolton to pay a heavy price for his memoirs

Mr. Bolton’s memoir will officially go on sale from June 23 (Photo: AP)


Speaking to reporters yesterday before leaving the White House for a campaign rally in Oklahoma, he once again accused Mr. Bolton of revealing confidential information.

In an interview on Fox News broadcast later, President Trump called Mr. Bolton a `traitor.`

“He should be thrown in jail for many, many years,” the White House boss said.

Mr. Bolton’s memoir shocked public opinion because it revealed unfavorable information about President Trump right before the presidential election next November.

In the book, Mr. Bolton said that President Trump asked Chinese President Xi Jinping for help in winning his re-election bid, and described in detail Mr. Trump’s alleged improprieties.

President Trump fired Mr. Bolton from his position as national security advisor last September after 17 months.


According to Reuters

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