The number of people infected with corona virus in Korea could reach 10,000 people

The number of people infected with corona virus in Korea could reach 10,000 people 0

(Dan Tri) – JPMorgan Chase Bank predicts that 10,000 people in Korea may be infected with the new strain of corona virus when the epidemic peaks next month.

Medical staff wearing masks at Seoul Medical Center.

JPMorgan Chase Bank on February 24 published a report, predicting that the acute pneumonia epidemic caused by the new strain of corona virus (Covid-19) will peak in Korea on March 20 with the number of infections increasing.

According to JPMorgan Chase, `considering the significant and sudden increase` in the number of coronavirus infections in Korea, this bank predicts that Korea’s economic growth is at risk of continuing to decline.

South Korea is currently considered a `hot spot` for the corona epidemic and is the country with the highest number of Covid-19 virus infections outside of China.

On February 26, the Korean National Assembly passed a law to support the prevention of the corona epidemic outbreak.

The Korean government also limited the export of masks and disinfectants to prevent domestic supply shortages.

Korean health officials are calling on people who have been in contact within 2 meters of someone with symptoms of corona flu to self-isolate at home for 2 weeks.

The recently passed law allows the Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare to request the Korean Ministry of Justice to refuse entry to foreigners coming from epidemic areas.

There is currently a trend in Korea, especially among conservative parties, calling for an entry ban on all people from China.

South Korea is facing a corona outbreak, focusing on a cult in Daegu city.

South Korean Prime Minister Chung Sye-kyun directly went to the epidemic area to supervise the anti-coronavirus work.

Experts predict that the number of Covid-19 infections in Korea will likely increase in the coming days when health officials begin testing more than 210,000 members of the Tan Thien Dia sect.


According to Bloomberg, Yonhap

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