Ukraine revealed when it can launch the F-16 `trump card` onto the battlefield

Ukraine revealed when it can launch the F-16 `trump card` onto the battlefield 0

(Dan Tri) – Ukraine said its pilots have been trained with Western instructors on operating F-16 fighter jets.

F-16 fighter jet (Photo: Getty).

Ukrainian Air Force spokesman Yurii Ihnat told national television on January 23 that Kiev’s allies are `secretly training Ukrainian pilots`.

`This process is underway, pilots are already flying in the sky with instructors,` Mr. Ihnat said, adding that this is part of `a clear action plan by partners within the framework.`

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba announced last week that the F-16 aircraft will be put into use by the end of this year and that preparations for the fighter’s first airstrike in Ukrainian airspace `are being carried out according to plan.`

`Pilots, engineers and infrastructure are being prepared,` he added.

In August 2023, Washington authorized its allies to provide Kiev with US-made F-16 fighter jets.

A group of 14 countries has pledged to provide aircraft and training support, but there remains uncertainty about when they will arrive and be used in the conflict in Ukraine.

Denmark said it would deliver 19 F-16s to Ukraine, 14 of which are expected to arrive this year and the remaining five expected in 2025. This month, the Danish Ministry of Defense confirmed the batch.

Belgium and Norway have also agreed to provide Ukraine with dozens of F-16s for combat, while the Netherlands will be the largest supplier, contributing 42 fighter jets.

Mr. Ihnat did not provide detailed information about the Ukrainian pilot training course.

In October last year, Mr. Ihnat said that the first F-16 fighters could appear in Ukraine in the spring of 2024 and that about 150 of them would be enough to protect the country’s airspace.

Mr. Ihnat previously said that six experienced pilots are flying F-16s in Denmark and will be ready to fight in the spring.

The F-16 is a multi-role jet fighter that has participated in dozens of wars and is used by more than 20 countries.

According to estimates, if the above countries deliver F-16s next year, Ukraine could have 60 aircraft.

The F-16 will improve the Ukrainian Air Force’s ability to support ground forces and intercept Russian bombers before they can attack military or civilian targets.

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