Top 5 richest fantasy characters: Donald Duck’s uncle is world champion!

Top 5 richest fantasy characters: Donald Duck's uncle is world champion! 4

The world-famous ranking magazine Forbes has published a list of the world’s richest fictional characters.

Hometown: Duckville, Calisota County, USA.

Scrooge McDuck started his business as a humble merchant, then switched to shoemaking.

According to Forbes, Scrooge’s net worth is currently about 65.4 billion USD with an average wealth stability.

Hometown: Lonely Mountain

The dragon Smaug is present in the novel and film adaptation of The Hobbit.

Smaug’s net worth is currently at $54.1 billion, a sharp decrease in asset stability.

Hometown: Forks, Washington state, USA

Top 5 richest fantasy characters: Donald Duck's uncle is world champion!

Adoptive father of vampire Edward Cullen in the hit film and novel series Twighlight (Twilight).

Doctor Carlisle owns a dream fortune thanks to accumulation over many different periods of history.

Hometown: Manhattan, New York, USA/ Malibu Island, California

Superhero and wealthy inventor in Marvel’s comic book series and MCU universe.

Top 5 richest fantasy characters: Donald Duck's uncle is world champion!

Hometown: Gotham City

Similar to Tony Stark, Bruce Wayne has two identities.

In addition to some familiar names as above, Forbes’ rankings also include lion lord Tywin Lannister (Game of Thrones), Lara Croft (Tomb Raider), party giant Jay Gatsby (The Great

Top 5 richest fantasy characters: Donald Duck's uncle is world champion!
Top 5 richest fantasy characters: Donald Duck's uncle is world champion!
Top 5 richest fantasy characters: Donald Duck's uncle is world champion!

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