The number of Covid-19 cases has increased to a record, Myanmar’s health system is `in critical condition`

The number of Covid-19 cases has increased to a record, Myanmar's health system is `in critical condition` 0

(Dan Tri) – Myanmar has recorded a record increase in Covid-19 cases since the coup four months ago, putting the health system at risk of collapse, raising concerns about a humanitarian crisis.

Volunteers prepare to cremate a Covid-19 victim in Cikha town, Chin state (Photo: Reuters).

Myanmar state media reported that on June 19, the country recorded 546 new Covid-19 cases and 7 deaths, the highest increase since the military coup on February 1.

Since the military took control of the country from the civilian government, Myanmar’s efforts to fight Covid-19 have `fallen into chaos`, according to the Guardian.

According to local media, state hospitals are almost not functioning, while the United Nations warns of the prospect of a humanitarian crisis in some areas.

Observers fear a new wave of Covid-19 infections could break out in recent months, as more dangerous variants may have entered Myanmar from neighboring countries such as India and Thailand.

Joy Singhal, head of the Myanmar delegation to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, described the increase in Covid-19 cases on June 19 as alarming.

The health system `trembles` before the epidemic and coup

Myanmar’s hospitals and entire health system are being affected by the political upheaval, as the military government is still dealing with the protest movement against the coup and conflicts with armed militia groups.

Mr. Singhal called on Myanmar to speed up treatment, testing and take preventive measures to avoid `a repeat of the tragedies that some South Asian countries have encountered in recent times.`

Myanmar healthcare is facing a series of challenges.

The Myanmar military government has made fighting Covid-19 a top priority.

Myanmar currently records 148,000 Covid-19 cases and 3,262 deaths, but experts say this number may not reflect reality because anti-epidemic activities in Myanmar have almost stagnated after the coup.

Sandra Mon, a senior epidemiologist at the Center for Public Health and Human Rights at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (USA), said she was still unclear about the military government’s plan to stamp out the epidemic.

Ms. Mon said that the option of bringing a third party to manage vaccination activities in Myanmar is worth considering.

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