The half-man, half-buffalo monster and the Labyrinth in Greek mythology

The half-man, half-buffalo monster and the Labyrinth in Greek mythology 3

In Greek mythology, the Minotaur is a famous monster.

The story of King Minos breaking his promise to Poseidon

King Minos was one of the three children Zeus had with Princess Europa (who was kidnapped by Zeus in the form of a cow).

Minos’s request came true, when a fat bull emerged from the sea.

God Poseidon punished King Minos

Minos’s treachery angered the sea god Poseidon.

Daedalus followed orders. He created a fake cow, placed Queen Pasiphae in the cow’s belly and pushed it to the sacred cow.

The half-man, half-buffalo monster and the Labyrinth in Greek mythology

The labyrinth and the exploits of the hero Thereus

The bigger the Minotaur, the more ferocious it becomes.

Faced with the cruel request of King Minos, the hero Theseus decided to pretend to be a sacrificial offering and set out to Crete to kill the monster Minotaur.

Today, Minotaur wall images appear in movies, comics, novels… and the labyrinth maze has become a multi-meaning symbol used in many architectural works.

The half-man, half-buffalo monster and the Labyrinth in Greek mythology

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