The former FIFA president uncovers the scandal, revealing the shocking truth about the 2022 World Cup

The former FIFA president uncovers the scandal, revealing the shocking truth about the 2022 World Cup 3

After being acquitted, former FIFA president Sepp Blatter admitted that awarding the right to host the 2022 World Cup to Qatar was a serious mistake.

The 2022 World Cup is less than 2 weeks away from officially kicking off.

Countries continuously criticize Qatar for its human rights issues and treatment of the LGBT community.

The Australian team was the first to `fire a shot` directing criticism at Qatar.

According to the latest information from the Daily Mail and, after being acquitted of corruption charges, Mr. Sepp Blatter – former FIFA president, publicly revealed the hidden corners in awarding the right to host the 2022 World Cup.

According to Blatter, FIFA’s plan was to give Russia the right to host the World Cup in 2018 and then the United States will host it in 2022. But everything changed when Qatar entered this race.

The former FIFA president uncovers the scandal, revealing the shocking truth about the 2022 World Cup

According to Sepp Blatter, the United States should have been the country that won the right to host the 2022 World Cup. Photo: Internet

The former FIFA president revealed that the role of former UEFA director Platini and then French President Nicolas Sarkozy in Qatar winning the right to host the 2022 World Cup was extremely important.

Sharing with the Swiss newspaper Tages, Sepp Blatter said:  `A week before the 2010 FIFA Congress, Michel Platini called me to say that our plan would not work. He was invited to the palace.

The former FIFA president uncovers the scandal, revealing the shocking truth about the 2022 World Cup

According to Blatter, everything has changed and Qatar has just become the host country of the 2022 World Cup. Photo: Internet

`Then it turned out exactly like this: thanks to Platini’s 4 votes, the World Cup came to Qatar, not to America. That was a truth that had never been revealed before. The story also comes from

At the end of the interview, Sepp Blatter admitted that his awarding the right to host the 2022 World Cup to Qatar was an extremely serious mistake:

`Qatar is too small a country. Football and the World Cup are too big for this country. For me, it is clear that Qatar was a mistake. A terrible choice for myself.`

The former FIFA president uncovers the scandal, revealing the shocking truth about the 2022 World Cup

Sepp Blatter was once involved in a corruption case and had bills thrown at him during a meeting.

Sepp Blatter was the highest-ranking person in power at FIFA from 1998 to 2015. Then, this man was convicted of corruption during his 17-year term.

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