Decoding the most annoying disease for gamers: Headaches, dizziness when playing games

Decoding the most annoying disease for gamers: Headaches, dizziness when playing games 2

It’s a really bad experience: you’re enjoying a new game, maybe you’ve been waiting for it for a long time, when suddenly you feel nauseous, dizzy, sweating profusely,

The phenomenon of `motion sickness` when playing games often comes unexpectedly, and sadly it feels like you are pretending to be sick.

Actually, this gamer’s `disease` doesn’t have a proper name, it’s just that its symptoms are similar to motion sickness.

But why are we affected by this evil `disease`?

Because it has the same signs as motion sickness, we will find out what causes motion sickness?

Simply put, motion sickness is a feeling of sickness, caused by a mismatch between your eyes and inner ear (the snail-shaped part inside the ear).

So why does this happen?

Decoding the most annoying disease for gamers: Headaches, dizziness when playing games

Today, when our inner ears and eyes provide “contradictory” signals to the brain, the same phenomenon occurs.

Motion sickness when playing games is said to have the opposite cause.

Scientists have not yet confirmed the reason why we are affected by this condition, but one thing we know for sure: this phenomenon of `motion sickness` is not only triggered by videos.

According to a report published in 2007 by Popular Mechanics magazine, “A 1995 report by the U.S. Institute of Military Studies found that nearly half of military pilots who used simulation software

Who will be affected by this syndrome?

Decoding the most annoying disease for gamers: Headaches, dizziness when playing games

It is difficult to determine the number of people affected by this syndrome, because it is possible that people who often suffer from airsickness have no problems when traveling by car, or people who never experience seasickness may suffer from video game sickness.

“Motion sickness” caused by video games is a fairly new phenomenon.

In short, although there are no specific numbers, this syndrome can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender…

Is this a disease to worry about?

Nausea, headache, fatigue are symptoms that cannot be ignored and you should be careful with it.

Decoding the most annoying disease for gamers: Headaches, dizziness when playing games

Even on Nintendo’s website, they clearly note this phenomenon: `Playing video games can cause motion sickness in some players.`, and they also give a few tips.

Nintendo also advises children affected by the disease to see a doctor as soon as possible before continuing to play.

How to deal with this disease?

If your headaches or dizziness while playing games occur too often or are too extreme, it is best to consult a doctor before `resuming`.

If your condition is milder, you can refer to the following tips for a more comfortable gaming experience:

– Turn off 3D screen mode (if you are playing Nintendo 3DS).

– Try playing games when you haven’t eaten anything. If you’re full, wait until your stomach clears.

– Don’t play games while sitting in the car.

– Take regular breaks.

– Try wearing acupressure bracelets.

– Limit yourself to 2D games.

– Reduce air conditioning temperature.

– If you are playing FPS games or adventure role-playing games, move calmly and slowly in the game.

– If there are signs of fatigue, rest immediately.

Refer to Lifewire

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